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How to login in TeideHPC?#

In order to have redundancy and high availability for access to the infrastructure, TeideHPC has 2 access nodes, called Login nodes and it share all your data. That is to say, regardless of which one you connect to, your data will be accessible.

Login nodes#

Domain IP Address

Linux & macOS user access#

Using a terminal:

ssh myuser@IPaddress

SSH Alias#

In order to make it easier to work and not remember the server's IP, we can use an alias to save the SSH connection. To do this, edit the file ~/.ssh/config and add the following (if it does not exist, create it):

Host teidelogin1
    User myuser

Host teidelogin2
    User myuser

Now to connect via SSH to the login nodes we can do it in the following way:

ssh teidelogin1
ssh teidelogin2

Windows user access#

Windows users have several alternatives to connect via SSH to the login nodes: PuTTY and MobaXterm:

SSH remote access with PuTTy#

PuTTy is a network client that supports the SSH, Telnet and Rlogin protocols and is mainly used to initiate remote session with another machine or server. It is free licensed, simple and highly functional and configurable.

Once downloaded it's necessary to follow next steps in order to open a session in TeideHPC supercomputer.

Putty applicacion

  1. In the category menu select Session.

  2. Set the domainname or IP address in the field Host Name and select SSH as the connection type.

  3. Choose a name for the connection and fill the field Saved Sessions. (Eg TeideHPC)

  4. Choose a name for the connection and fill the field Saved Sessions. (Eg TeideHPC)

  5. Save the configuration with the Save button.

  6. Open a connection to the login node with Open.


  • For slow connections you can enable compression. You can find a checkbox in the Connection > SSH menu.

  • SSH version 2 must be set as the preferred protocol version in Connection > SSH menu.


MobaXterm es su toolbox para trabajar de manera remota. En una sola aplicación proporciona un montón de funciones (SSH, X11, RDP, VNC, FTP, sFTP, MOSH, comandos unix) que están diseñadas para programadores, webmasters, administradores de TI y prácticamente todos los usuarios que necesitan manejar sus trabajos remotos de una manera más simple.

La versión gratuita tiene ciertas limitaciones como el número de sesiones simultáneas.
